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Inklings Review: Lemm-inks

Inklings is a physics puzzler released this week by Applepine Games, and is the studio's debut game. It combines elements of physics puzzle games, Portal-style portals, and Lemmings inspired gameplay, with a few Incredible Machine twists to boot. It's bold and artistic, but is it good? Find out in my Inklings review!

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Star Vikings Review

Star Vikings is a sort of turn-based strategy game developed by Rogue Snail, a Brazilian studio helmed by Mark Venturelli. Mark has been active in Brazil's indie scene for several years, and worked on Relic Hunters as well as WOTS-favorite Chroma Squad. Star Vikings pits the titular spacefaring nordic heroes against a legion of relentless space-snails, with a mysterious artifact in the center of their conflict. It's billed as "casual," but just how casual are we talking? Find out in my Star Vikings review!

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Burly Men at Sea Review: Burly Whirly Adventure

Burly Men at Sea is a charming, story-focused adventure game from the husband and wife team that calls themselves Brain&Brain. Inspired by Scandinavian folklore, Burly Men at Sea follows three bearded fishermen who find a magical map that leads them to great adventure.

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Four Sided Fantasy Review: Fantastic Four

Four Sided Fantasy is a puzzle platformer developed by Ludo Land, following a successful Kickstarter campaign back in May 2014. Two years and four months later, the game has been released on PC and PS4 with the help of our friends at Serenity Forge. The sent me a key last week to check out, and I'm happy to report this game is awesome! Find out why in our Four Sided Fantasy review.

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The Final Station Review: Dead Inside, Keep Out

tinyBuild has published quite a few games so far this year, and the latest in their unstoppable train of releases is this week's The Final Station, developed by Do My Best Games. The apocalypse is upon us once again, and it's up to a plucky train operator tasked with carrying mysterious cargo to save the day. Can he survive the zombie hordes and beat back the darkness? Or should we just leave this one for dead? Let's find out in my The Final Station review.

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Avoiding the Pokemon Go Your Bag is Full Message

After you've been playing Pokemon Go for a while, you'll start to figure out Pokestop routes, and at first you'll be swimming in Pokeballs. In fact, the first time you see the dreaded Pokemon Go "Your Bag is Full" message, you might not be that worried about it since you'll probably have hundreds of Pokeballs at that point. Time will pass though, and eventually you may find that the "Your Bag is Full" problem will become more and more of a nuisance that prevents you from catching all the precious pokemon your heart so desires. Read on below and we'll explain how to manage your backpack so that you always have plenty of what you need to catch 'em all.

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Redactem Review: There Will Be Blood

Recently I got a chance to check out Redactem - an indie puzzle platformer with rockets, gravity bending, and time rewinds. It was an interesting experience that I may have nightmares about, but I'm undecided as to whether that is a good or bad thing.

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10 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner About Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go is a lot of fun, but some things about it are really non-obvious. Below we've compiled the 10 most important things we wish we'd learned sooner. Read up on these things and you'll get a jump start as a new Pokemon Go Trainer on your way to catch them all.

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Pokemon Go Tracking Beginner's Guide

Once you've decided to take the plunge into Pokemon Go, you will very quickly be presented with a surprising problem: Pokemon Go Tracking. One of the most basic parts of the game - finding Pokemon is almost completely unexplained by the game itself. Trainers are left with very few clues about where Pokemon are likely to be found, and after recent updates the few hints that Niantec gave from within the game are almost completely eliminated. Even though we can hope that they are working on something better it seems that at best they have no plans to explain the basics of where Pokemon will and will not appear, or how to find the rarest Pokemon. Fear not, we've got a few Pokemon Go tracking tips to get you started below!

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Brigador Review: Tech Mechs

Brigador is an isometric 2D mech-combat action game, and the debut game from indie studio Stellar Jockeys. In Brigador, you stomp, bulldoze, and/or hover your way through a variety of different futuristic cities while battling enemy mechs and causing mass destruction. I snagged a key from the developers and beat the campaign, so I'm ready to present my Brigador review!

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