Candy Crush Level 130 - How to Beat it!

Candy Crush Level 130 is a nice ego check. By now you are probably humming through these "Candy Order" levels, and feeling pretty good about yourself. You may have even knocked out a bunch of them in one day. "I'm finally getting the hang of this game" you might think.... not so fast. Read on for some tips and strategy to collect orders and beat this seemingly impossible level.

Wait - what's that?

The hardest part of this level, is just figuring out the order. I played it about 5 times, failing every time, before I figured out - this isn't about just gathering regular candies. Then you think to yourself - "they don't mean... they couldn't.... ". Well, if you were guessing that strange black and white icon indicates the need to match special candies you'd be right. In fact, it requires you to match Striped + Striped exactly 5 times to complete all the orders and win.

But 5 is a lot!

Well... yes and no. You may be selling yourself short if you've played the game this long. Just keep making every 4-in-a-row match you can see, and eventually you'll start getting options to match up Striped + Striped. In each such pairing you'll have the option of the direction you swipe to make the pair, and the row/column explosion will radiate out from the location of the match. Keep this in mind, and try not to knock out other Striped candies as you match, so you can save them for future combos. Brace yourself... the honeymoon is over, and the orders are about to get much harder.

If Candy Crush is getting you too stressed, check out some similar games here or here. Good luck, and keep crushing!